PROJECT: Turístico Cultural Chavín
The ministry of Tourism and the fundacion Telefonica signed an ‘’Agreement of institutional support and donation’’ whereby it undertook to make efforts for the implementation of Tourism Project Cultural Chavin , with an investment of $2000,000 dollars in a period of one year.
The agreement with the Telefónica Foundation aims to conduct a feasibility study to assess the tourism of Ancash, taking into account the enhancement of major archaeological monuments of the department of Ancash, the implementation of roads and infrastructure necessary telecommunications and promotion of provate investment as well as the evaluation of its potential market and therefore provides a payout of $800,000.00 dollars in a 4 years horizon.
The project includes the provinces of Huari , Recuay , Huaraz , Carhuaz, Yungay , Huaylas , Corongo,Pallasca, Santa and Casma.
The archaeological sites are covered by Sechin, Chavin and Pashash, which are flanked by the peaks of the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra.
· Develop Feasibility study to assess the tourism of Ancash and its market potential.
· Ensure the implementation of the archaeological works included in the project.
· Develop conservation projects, restoration of archeological sites.
· Develop management plans for archaeological sites within the project.
· Develop profiles of Ancash archaeological sites that could be incorporated in future enhancement projects.
· Activities to promote tourism in the region of Ancash
PROJECT: Remodeling of the Colosseum Sports Huaraz
Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru
Objective: The objetive of the project is to provide Efiicient conditions for sports and recreation at the Coliseum in the city of Huaraz.
PROJECT: Reconstruction of the Cathedral of Huaraz
Antamina Mining Fund (FMA) will award a million new soles to finance the completion of this work.
Representatives of the Antamina and 16 provincial mayors in the Ancash region signed an agreement for cooperation to finance social and productive development in their areas up to an amount of one million new soles.
By signing the agreement with the 16 provincial mayors , the FMA fulfilled the commitment to the Association of Municipalities of Ancash Region , to carry out this project, wich the called “Support to Social Infrastructure and Production pf Provincial Goverments of the Ancash Region’’
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