
Location & Access:
Huaraz is located 407 km north of Lima and is connected to this city by the North American Highway and the turnoff to Huaraz on a journey of seven hours.
The access to Huaraz city can be realised by this two common ways:
- By terrestrial way ( 7 hours of trip)
- By the air way ( 1.45 hours of tryp)
The air trip is very short but you can admire the mountains of the White Mountain range.
The highway is good asphalted all the way to Huaraz, throughout the way will be able to be observed wonderful landscapes that our country can show.
The best companies to travel by terrestrial way, from Lima to Huaraz are the following ones:
· Movil Tours
· Cruz del Sur
· Cial
These companies have different shifts to get to Huaraz.
At 20 km northeast of Huaraz is the Airport Commandant FAP Germain Arias Graziani, located in Anta, which currently already operate commercial flights daily to the city of Lima in a time of 45 min. about
In order to arrive by air way, LC BUSRE company has two daily flights towards the city of Huaraz.
wow this look pretty well done, after reading this I would be more than glad to go visiting Huaraz